January Blues? Ditch the Dry January Attempts..

Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD as it’s more commonly referred to, is a condition that many of us suffer from during those cold, dark and wet winter months. It is especially bad during the month of January when realisation hits that the party season is officially over and you must return to work and get back to the grind. Scientific evidence suggests that this seasonal depression is linked to the lack of light that enters the eye, which changes hormone levels in the body. So how can you help this?


Dry January does nothing to combat these winter blues. Although it is recommended to eat healthily and ensure that you are eating your 5-a day, a glass of wine every so often is proven to help with stress levels and even boost your mood. Findings also suggest that people who attempt Dry January are much more likely to binge and drink to excess during the month of February. Doctors suggest getting active and go outdoors as much as possible as other ways to help deal with SAD.

So ditch the Dry January challenge and enjoy a glass of wine to help de-stress after those long days back at work.

Gorilla Wine